Welcome to CHCCS Elementary Language Arts and Literacy Page!

  • Northside Students with the Superintendent and classroom teacher     Glenwood students reading a text together.     Students reading books at round table     

    Literacy Practices 

    CHCCS uses a comprehensive literacy program that addresses the North Carolina reading, writing, listening and speaking standards. We create a print-rich environment and infuse literacy across the day to encourage a love of reading and to ensure that every student develops the independent routines of academically successful learners. Teachers gather a range of data on their students to target individual needs and challenge students to grow as readers and writers.



    Instructional components include:

    • Direct Instruction in Reading 
      • Reading Narrative Texts
      • Reading Informational Texts
    • Read Alouds of Rigorous Texts
    • Independent Reading 
    • Small-Group Reading



    Instructional components include:

    • Direct Instruction in Each of the Three Elementary Areas in Writing
      • Narrative Writing
      • Opinion Writing
      • Informational Writing
    • Teacher Modeled Writing 
    • Using Mentor Texts to Guide Author's Craft
    • Independent Writing
    • Small-Group Writing

    Differentiation Opportunities

    Instruction is tailored to students individually during Language Arts instruction through:

    • Reading and writing goal setting with individual students
    • Teacher-led reading and writing conferences
    • Books at independent reading levels
    • Teacher-led small groups


    Literacy at Home

    This digital resource provides literacy activities at each grade level, pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. Families and communities may access this resource for activities that specifically target the literacy skills of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and oral language. 


    The North Carolina English Language Arts Standards

    5th Grade ELA Standards 

    4th Grade ELA Standards 

    3rd Grade ELA Standards 

    2nd Grade ELA Standards 

    1st Grade ELA Standards  

    Kindergarten ELA Standards


Elementary English Language Arts Program Contact