English Learner Identification
The identification and enrollment process consists of several steps, outlined below. The process starts with the Registrar at the district's central office, Lincoln Center.
During the registration process, parents/guardians must fill out a Home Language Survey, as required by federal law. If a language other than English is present in the student's background, the student is considered a potential ELL. The district then proceeds to the next step of the screening process.
Administration of Identification/ Placement Assessment:Potential ELL students make an appointment with the CHCCS International Welcome Center to be assessed with the NC state-designated English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessment. Appointments can be made by:
Phone: 919-967-8211, extension 28241
Email: iwc@chccs.k12.nc.us
In addition to the ELP assessment, CHCCS administers a math assessment (available in multiple languages) to assist in identifying possible gaps in education in the area of math.
Conducting Parent Interview/Other Pertinent Data:
While the student is taking the ELP or math assessment, our Title III Parent Liaison meets with each family to gather additional information that assists the district in determining the most appropriate placement/service. The Title III Parent Liaison will gather information relevant to the student’s prior school experiences, any interruption in formal education, academic habits, interests, etc. This information helps to determine recommendation of placement and instructional support.
Determination of Eligibility and Service:
CHCCS scores the state-designated ELP assessment to determine eligibility. If a student is identified as an ELL, CHCCS uses all the data and information gathered from the identification/placement screener, assessment of academic skills, parent interview and information from the parents and student to determine the level of ESL services. If it is determined that the student is sufficiently proficient in English so as not to limit access to the curriculum, the student is placed in the mainstream instructional program without additional language support services.
Exiting English Learner Identification
Results from the annual state-designated English Language Proficiency test are used in determining whether a student may exit English Learner (EL) identification.
In order to exit EL identification, a student must meet all of the following exit criteria:
- An overall composite score of 4.8 or above
- A minimum of 4.0 on the Reading domain
- A minimum of 4.0 on the Writing domain
Monitoring Former English Learners and Reclassification
Students are monitored for four academic years after exiting EL identification to ensure academic success.
English Language Learners that have exited EL status, but are struggling in their English language development, can be reclassified and receive ESL services if they requalify. Retesting is done with the WIDA Screener and the student must remain on exited status for at least one year in order to be considered for reclassification. Reclassification of students must be performed between the start of the academic school year and December 31st. When considering an exited EL for reclassification, the content and EL teacher should collaborate to determine if reclassification is necessary.
For further information, please contact
Helen Atkins, EL and DL Program Coordinator; hatkins@chccs.k12.nc.us; 919-967-8211 ext. 20322
Gina Bacheler, EL and DL Lead Teacher; gbacheler@chccs.k12.nc.us; 919-967-8211 ext. 20321