Student Behavior Resources
Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools are committed to implementing Positive Behavior Support (PBIS) in all schools. PBIS helps schools maintain effective school-wide disciplinary practice, and provide a predictable and safe environment in which students have clear expectations and positive relationships with peers and adults. Visit the Programs, Supports & Services for Exceptional Children page for additional information.
Contact Student Behavior
Charlos S. Banks, Ed.D.
Chief of School Support and Wellness
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
Phone: (919) 967-8211 Ext. 28244
Location: Lincoln Center
750 South Merritt Mill Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516
Code Of Conduct Acknowledgement Form (Required)
You can acknowledge that you have read the Code of Conduct by submitting this form below. A printable version of the form, which you can submit to your school, is included within the Code of Conduct Handbook below.