Student Behavior Resources

  • Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools are committed to implementing Positive Behavior Support (PBIS) in all schools. PBIS helps schools maintain effective school-wide disciplinary practice, and provide a predictable and safe environment in which students have clear expectations and positive relationships with peers and adults. Visit the Programs, Supports & Services for Exceptional Children page for additional information.

Contact Student Behavior

  • Charlos S. Banks, Ed.D.
    Chief of School Support and Wellness
    Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
    Phone: (919) 967-8211 Ext. 28244
    Location: Lincoln Center
    750 South Merritt Mill Road
    Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516

      Code Of Conduct Acknowledgement Form (Required)

      • You can acknowledge that you have read the Code of Conduct by submitting this form below. A printable version of the form, which you can submit to your school, is included within the Code of Conduct Handbook below.

        Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form (Required)