About Facilities & Maintenance

  • The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Facilities & Maintenance Department maintains more than 400 acres of property and more than 1.7 million square feet of buildings owned by the CHCCS Board of Education.  This includes daily maintenance, Capital Improvement Plan projects, and oversight of contractors on major building projects.

      Facilities & Maintenance Contacts

      Last Name First Name Email Address Phone Extension Title
      Glenn Felicia fglenn@chccs.k12.nc.us 919-967-8211 28239 Executive Secretary
      Bowe Crystal cpbowe@chccs.k12.nc.us 919-967-8211 28224 Facilities Manager
      Williams Chuck cwwilliams@chccs.k12.nc.us 919-967-8211 28262 Director, Facilities and Maintenance
      Stewart Andre adstewart@chccs.k12.nc.us 919-967-8211 Chief Operations Officer

      Facility Rental Information


        To reserve one of our facilities, please go to our new rental site: https://rentals.chccs.org/
        As of February 10th, 2020, we will no longer be accepting paper request forms.  All requests must be completed online.  A computer will be available at the Facilities Office at Lincoln Center for a limited time for rental request use.
        Please direct any questions regarding this process to Felicia Glenn via email at fglenn@chccs.k12.nc.us or call (919) 967-8211 ext 28239.

      Capital Investment Plan


        Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools strives to offer our children a well-rounded world-class education. In order to accomplish that goal, adequate learning facilities are vital. Many of our buildings are well over 50 years old and in need of major repair or, in some cases, total reconstruction. It is not fiscally prudent to continue a band aid approach that simply keeps the doors open by disproportionately allocating precious financial resources.  To that end, we have developed a ten-year Capital Investment Plan to address our facility needs. We hope you will take a few minutes to peruse the links below to learn more about our needs – and our plan for meeting them.

        Thank you for your continued support of our students, our teachers and our schools.