• School Improvement Team (SIT)

    Often there is confusion over the PTA and the SIT. The PTA’s mission is to improve the educational opportunities for both students and teachers, and contribute to the general welfare of Northside families by raising funds to augment the school budget. The PTA also advocates for the school when educational issues arise at the city and state level. 

    The Northside Elementary School Improvement Team (SIT) is a state-mandated organization composed of elected Northside staff and parents. The group’s purpose is to develop a school improvement plan to strengthen student performance. 

    The North Carolina General Assembly requires schools across the state to write a School Improvement Plan (SIP), an outline of goals for improvement as well as strategies for reaching these goals. Each spring, all schools in the district report their progress toward their School Improvement Plan goals. The SIT reviews materials to help develop the plan and status reports. 

    In addition to this responsibility, the SIT functions as an advisory group to Northside’s leadership and may provide input on issues such as school programs, philosophy, climate, and safety. 

    SITs from all schools in the district serve as counsel to the district and the Board of Education. SIT members frequently attend or monitor Board meetings to advocate for Northside and to report back to Northside’s leadership and parents on issues that affect us. 

    The SIT is responsible for the following:

    • Helping to develop the School Improvement Plan.
    • Adopting and disseminating an annual school report.
    • Approving the school budget as presented by the principal.
    • Soliciting input and hearing concerns of constituents about school programs and student life
    • Providing counsel to the school board.
    • Working with District HR should a new principal hire be required.
    • Making decisions on major, policy-level issues that impact the school's philosophy, programs, personnel and students.
    • Advocating for programs and funding in order to provide the students and staff what is needed to fulfill the School Improvement Plan.
    The Northside SIT is composed of five parents, four staff members (one K-2 teacher, one 3-5 teacher, one specialist and one classified staff member – elected by their respective faculty/staff), and the school’s principal and assistant principal. Elected members serve a two-year term and attend monthly meetings. Northside meetings are held on one Tuesday of each month (see the school’s website/calendar for exact dates) at 5:30 p.m, typically in the media center. All meetings are open to the public and begin with an opportunity for public remarks. You can also email concerns to the co-chairs of the SIT (email addresses listed below) to be read into the record at any meeting.

    School Improvement Team Email Account 



    Team Members

    Coretta Sharpless, Principal
    Kirtina Jones, Assistant Principal
    Brian Mason, Teacher, re-elected 2021, term ends 2023
    Tequila Powell, Teacher and co-Chair, elected 2021, term ends 2023
    Elizabeth Sharp, Parent, elected 2020, term ends 2022
    Rebecca Goldsmith, Parent, elected 2021, term ends 2023
    Melissa Hyland, Parent, elected 2021, term ends 2023 
    Whitney Robinson Rivers, Parent, elected 2021, term ends 2023 
    Meaghan Bell, Parent, elected 2023, term ends 2025


    September 13th- morning
    October 11th- evening
    November 15th- morning
    December 13th- evening
    January 10th- morning
    February 14th- evening
    March 14th- morning
    April 11th- evening
    May 9th- morning
    June 13th- morning
    Morning Meetings at 9:00 am 
    Evening Meetings at 5:30 pm


    School Improvement Team Meeting Agendas & Minutes







School Improvement Plan 2018-2020

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